2-daags Seminar/Workshop Kay Laurence

Aantal punten: 40 punten

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Datum en tijd
07/12/2019 - 08/12/2019
Hele dag

Academy Bartels

Spreker : Kay Laurence
Organisator : Stichting Dutch Cell Dogs
Website: https://dutchcelldogs.nl/interactief-seminar-kay-laurence/
E-mailadres: irma@dutchcelldogs.nl
Tel: 0630213689

Kay Laurence onderwerpen workshop 7-8 december 2019
Datum : 7-8 december 2019
Locatie : Academy Bartels, Hoge Mierde
Tijden : 09.30-17.00 uur
Doelgroep : Kynologisch Instructeurs , diergedragstherapeuten en/of -deskundigen (professionals uit de branche)

Nacholingspunten zijn in aanvraag bij NVGH, SSPD, Raad van Beheer. APDT-BeNe kent 40 punten toe.

Over Kay
Kay Laurence heeft in februari 2019 de Anderson Award in ontvangst morgen nemen. De Edward L. Anderson Jr. Award eert personen die hebben bijgedragen aan de vertaling van wetenschappelijke kennis naar praktische trainingsprocedures, het ontwikkelen van innovatieve nieuwe trainingsmethoden en -technieken en anderen voorlichten over de gedragswetenschap en de toepassing ervan op dierentrainingen.
Kay is een innovator geweest in de wereld van dierentrainingen. Ze is altijd bezig om ons nieuwe ideeën over training te geven. Haar filosofie is voor de honden. Iedereen die met Kay Laurence heeft gewerkt weet dat haar primaire focus ligt op de kwaliteit van het leven van de hond en op het bouwen van humane, attente interacties tussen mensen en dieren. ”
Haar creativiteit geeft nieuwe manieren om te trainen. Kay Laurence heeft veel nieuwe methoden en technieken ontwikkeld voor training met positieve bekrachtiging.

Inhoud & Vorm workshop weekend
Tijdens dit workshopweekend zal de focus liggen op het onderwerp Luring is a skill en zullen zijdelings onderwerpen als Clean training en Cues and Technology behandeld worden.
Dit workshop weekend is uitsluitend toegankelijk voor professionals binnen de branche. De verhouding theorie praktijk is 20% / 80%.

Deelnemen met hond
Er is mogelijkheid om deel te nemen met hond, hiervoor zijn maar 8 plaatsen beschikbaar. De andere deelnemers kijken.
Behalve de 8 deelnemende honden zijn andere honden binnen de trainingslocatie niet toegestaan. De honden die deelnemen beschikken over goede gezondheid, zijn vitaal en kunnen zich makkelijk aanpassen aan veranderende omstandigheden. Ze hebben er geen problemen mee met andere honden samen in een ruimte te zijn/trainen
Het seminar wordt volledig in het Engels gegeven.

Overnachten kan in Fletcher Hotel de Kempen, ovv Dutch Cell Dogs bij je reservering krijg je overnachtingskorting.
De onderwerpen nader toegelicht
Main topic: Luring is a skill
Defined as the direct use of the reinforcer to elicit behaviour, luring often receives little recommendation. The protocol itself cannot be faulted due to the misunderstood application.
When we learn the skills of luring we also learn about exquisite observation, timing and pace, engagement and becoming good students of behaviour.
The weekend will look at different ways of using the lure to engage the dog, elicit accurate and clean behaviours and then progress to converting the respondent learning to operant choice. We take the dog from simple guidance to an enthusiasm to show us what they have learned. “No, no …. don’t show me, let me show you ….”
This opens the way to remove the guidance easily, change to different cues, or deliberately maintain the guidance to ensure specific behaviours.
Hand-held lures, cup on a stick lures and object lures will set our dogs up for easy success, clear understanding and graduated progress.
If you have had doubts about luring this is a weekend to inspire and open up many avenues of clear communication.
For more background on what we will cover during the weekend:

A world of lure

Side topics: Clean Training / Cues & Technologies
The training with markers and positive reinforcement has become familiar to the dog training community for over 20 years. It has been well promoted on ethical and effective aspects with an attraction of ease of progress. It seems simple to learn in the early stages.
But like any technology it requires an attention to skill to develop to its full potential. Advancing training requires a deeper look at all the procedures involved and a regular check that the foundation skills are clean and without bad habits.
If your training is a little mucky you may see:
Variable responses to the cues, Maybe what you think are the cues and not always the cues, behaviours that often stutter and lack fluency, behaviours that are sometimes brilliant and other times, meh, Sometimes you hesitate to deliver reinforcement, The process gets a little strained and repetitive, not a lot of joy, training seems a bit more like a chore when it used to be the highlight of your day, you tend to favour teaching new things rather than working on old things. Nothing seems to get finished, enthusiasm dries up.
Clean training is about communicating well, setting up the learning for your dog so that their view is always success and pure pleasure. Building behaviours organically so that the learner grows in strength. All these elements require us to learn our trade, become skilful and thoughtful and practise what we need to learn, take those skills to a level of ease and competency.

Side topic: Cues & technologies
Cues, signals, stimulus, prompts are an integral part of our teaching, training and living with dogs. Understanding how the cues are part of the environment and represent opportunities for reward brings an entire new world to the building of behaviours. Giving a cue and responding to a cue is a conversation where questions are asked and answered. We give cues and the dog can answer, dog will also give us cues and we need to listen. Being able to have a conversation is a skill we can learn, develop and ensure all parties are enjoying the process without any stress or anxieties.

Participating with your dog
Participants for this weekend should be Training Geeks – happy to think and talk about training even when they are not training. Dogs suitable for participating should have experience of shaping and building behaviours with markers and frequent, high level reinforcement, and be comfortable working in room with other dogs.